Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lesson 6: Fear of God Getting Out Of My Box

Read Chapter 14 from Fearless and we'll discuss the questions below.

Memory Verse: “Arise, and do not be afraid.”
Matthew 17:7

Gracious and loving God, we are seeking Your Word and what You have to say about living fearlessly. We desire to listen, to talk, to love and to be loved. For whatever reason we find ourselves here, Lord, may we be open to You and to others around us so that we may experience Your love and Your will for our lives. Help us put aside all the burdens and distractions that burden us so that we may experience this lesson's gift. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

We need to view God in His earthly glory and get Him out of our do-me-a-favor and make-me-a-buck boxes. We need to see God’s radiance, because with a Messiah like Him, who can fear? This week we’ll take a look at the Transfiguration to see how the disciples’ images of Jesus were blown to bits when His glory was revealed on a hillside in the holy land.

A taxi driver in Brazil rubs the plastic miniature Jesus on his dashboard when he needs a parking space, calling on his do-me-a-favor Jesus. The late-night cable TV preacher asks for your money, trusting in the make-me-a-buck Jesus. Our sin tempts us to conjure different genie Jesuses when we need a favor or a good-luck charm, but it is devastating to our faith to reinforce a false view of God.

Question #1 - In what ways have you reduced Jesus down to a handful of doctrines, attempting to fit Him into boxes of your life?

Box-sized gods. You’ll find them in the tight grip of people who prefer a god they can manage, control, and predict. This topsy-turvy life requires a tame deity, doesn’t it? In a world out of control, we need a god we can control, a comforting presence akin to a lap dog or the kitchen cat. We call and he comes. We pet and he purrs. If we can just keep God in His place. . .

Question #2 - Many of us don’t want excessive amounts of responsibility – having the job of U.S. president, for example. Nevertheless, we try to control God. Why?

As Peter, James, and John witnessed Jesus’ divine transfiguration, we can’t help but wonder about their frame of mind. Their friend and daily companion was radically transformed into something larger than life, something divine, something glorious. Don’t we half-expect them to repeat their Sea of Galilee question: “What kind of man is this?”

Question #3 - Do you think we have any chance of grasping Jesus’ glory without witnessing it firsthand? What has to happen before God will get out of the box you’ve created for Him?

Most of our fears are poisonous. They steal sleep and pillage peace. But fear of the Lord is different. As awe of Jesus expands, fears of life diminish. A big God translates into a big courage. A small view of God generates no courage.

Question #4 - How long has it been since a fresh understanding of Christ has buckled your knees and emptied your lungs with awe? When times get tough, how can you foster a correct view of God?

We need to know the transfigured Christ. The One who spits holy fires. Who convenes and commands historical figures. Who occupies the loftiest perch and wears only the true crown of the Universe. God’s beloved Son.

Question #5 - How do we get to know the transfigured Christ? What have you learned over the last six weeks about the connection between our relationship with God, our understanding of Him, and our fears

We made it! What a journey . . . I have really "enjoyed" blogging with you all! My prayer is that we are living less fearful than when we started this study. It's interesting - Max Lucado notes "there are 365 verses in the Bible that say, 'Fear not.' God provided us with one 'fear not' message for every day of the year! Do you think God is saying, 'Get the message. Don't be afraid!'"

Keep a look out for our next On-line discussion group on Paul's letter to the Ephesians starting next week!

Pastor Karen

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lesson 5: Fear of Global Calamity

Read Chapter 13 from Fearless and we'll discuss the questions below.

Memory Verse: “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.” Psalm 37:3

God you are in control of all things. Help us to hear Your voice above the clamor of bad news reports, a diagnosis that we don’t want to receive, and anything else that tends shatter our peace. Grant us serenity, courage, and wisdom so that we are able to respond to You more fully. In the name of Your Son Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer. Amen

This week we’ll explore one of the most prevalent fears around – the fear of global calamity. We hear about it on the news and online. Our friends and neighbors warn us of the latest disaster rumors. Life is a dangerous endeavor. We pass our days in the shadows of ominous realities. But God has diagnosed the pain of the world and written the book on its treatment. We can trust Him.

Pharmaceutical companies have invaded our nightly entertainment with their promises of renewed vitality, but they also warn against potential tragedy. There is something about that merger of happy faces with voice-over advisories of paralysis that just doesn’t work.

Question #1 - Are there paradoxes you see in life, or in the media, that bother you?

Sitting on the Mount of Olives, Jesus issued a “buckle your seat belt, no kidding, life can be fatal to your health” warning. He wanted his followers to know what they were facing, because life with Christ is not necessarily an easy journey. Christ promised He would be there for us on the way, though, and His burden is light because we get to walk step-by-step with Him. But He began His lecture with the unexpected words, “Watch out that no one deceives you.”

Question #2 - When you think of global disaster, do you fear being deceived? Why do you think Jesus mentioned deception first in His description of the end of the world?

Real courage embraces the twin realities of current difficulty and ultimate triumph. Christians should live somewhere between Pollyanna and Chicken Little, between blind denial and blatant panic. This world needs levelheaded, clear-thinking, and still-believing followers of Christ who will bring others to focus on God and His grace in a time of tragedy.

Question #3 - How does false or empty optimism hurt you more than a realistic evaluation of your situation? “The church” in America has a reputation for expecting Christians to always be positive, but Jesus was brutally honest in His description of terrible things to come. How did we lose that realistic perspective, and why?

The Titanic sank because contractors settled for cheap rivets and planned poorly. Rivets are the glue that hold the steel plates together. Facing a shortage of quality bolts, the builders used substandard ones that popped their heads upon impact with the iceberg. Because of this shortsighted construction, hundreds of people lost their lives in a matter of minutes in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Question #4 - How sturdy are the bolts of your belief? Take a look at what’s happening around the globe. Do you think you could handle the type of persecution that Christians face around the world?

All things, big and small, flow out of the purpose of God and serve His good will. When the world appears to be out of control, it isn’t. We can trust that God is holy, good, loving, and in control. Our vision is limited: what looks like terror might actually be triumph. What looks like heartbreak might actually be healing. We must trust that God is who He says He is.

Question #5 - How can you remind yourself that God is on control?

Yes, sometimes life stinks. But it won’t forever. As one of Max Lucado's friends likes to say, “Everything will work out in the end. If it’s not working out, it’s not the end.” Write a prayer about the things that are not working out in your everyday life today. Take time each day this week to pray the prayer you wrote, and trust God to take care of the concerns you bring to Him.

"For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name. I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more that all we can ask or imagine, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:14-21

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lesson 4: Fear of Life's Final Moments

Read Chapter 10 from Fearless and we'll discuss the questions below.

Memory Verse: “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in Me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.” John 14:1-3

God, we thank You for drawing us to You as we journey through this on-line Fearless Bible Study. For we are pilgrims on a sojourn – a journey to understand our fears and where they come from. We do so desire to live our lives fearlessly and for Your glory. Help us to discover ways we can step out of fears so that we can serve You more fully. In the strong name of Jesus we pray. Amen

We desire to face death unafraid. Impossible? Not when you can view death as a new adventure in existence. Because of Christ, we can face our next life with peace. This week we’ll look at the reasons we fear dying and see that as we grow closer to Christ we will not fear death but may even look forward to it with anticipation.

Question #1 - Describe a scene from a movie or a book when a character dies peacefully – without fright or a fight. In what ways did that image move you?

Great philosophers throughout history have lamented the passage into death, calling it “the end of everything” and “the great Perhaps.” But suppose death is different than they thought, less a curse and more a passageway, not a crisis to be avoided but a corner to be turned? If we change the way we think about death, we will change the way we feel about death.

Question #2 - If you are able to remove your association of fear with death, how will your life be changed? Will you live differently?

Death is not to be feared. Your last moment is not your worst. Charon won’t ferry you into oblivion. How do we know? What is our proof? Five hundred witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection leave a still-resounding testimony: it’s safe to die.

Question #3 - How does Jesus’ resurrection make it safe for you to die? Do you find comfort in the proof of Jesus’ resurrection?

Our uncertainty about death – what the afterlife will really be like – generates a lot of fear about it. We dread the unknown rather than look at it as an opportunity for exploration. Charles Lindbergh wrote these words to be read aloud at his burial service: “Death is a new adventure in existence.” No need to dread it or ignore it. Because of Christ, we can face it.

Question #4 - We talked the first week about our tendency to worship safety. How does letting go of that desire for control influence your fears (or lack thereof) about death?

Comfort with the thought of death is born out of an intimate relationship with God. On the night before my heart surgery, God and I had the most honest of talks (see page 122 of Fearless). We began with a good review of my first half century. The details would bore you, but they entertained us. Ultimately, I went to sleep at peace, knowing that if it was my last night on earth, I’d be safe in the arms of my Father the next day.

Question #5 - How does enjoying your relationship with God reduce your fear of death and the life to come?

Live today in Christ’s presence, remembering He is near and will sustain you as you serve in His name. Amen

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lesson 3: Fear Of Disappointing God

Read Chapter 3 from Fearless and we'll discuss the questions below. Once you have completed the discussion questions, read the lyrics to the song "Healing Rain" by Michael W. Smith. These lyrics are located in the tab above titled, "Healing Rain."

Memory Verse: “He who believes in Him is not condemned.” John 3:18

Come, Lord Jesus, and minister to us. Open our eyes. Open our hearts. Grant us signs of great freedom and healing even this week as we discover where our fears may be coming from. We know, Lord, that no flesh and blood can bring us what we need. If we come out of this journey less fearful, all glory and honor will go to You alone. We love You, Lord. Do Your thing! Amen

You may think you have no access to God – that you have disappointed God beyond repair. But it’s not true! If you fear you have blown it, take heart in these words: “Yes, you failed. We’ve all failed. But you aren’t a failure. God came for people like us.” This week you will have a chance to hand your embarrassments, failures, and regrets to God so you can start again with a clean slate, trusting Him to love you despite your past.

Noble Doss was happily married for six decades. He was a father and grandfather. He served in the navy during World War II and appeared on the cover of Life magazine with his University of Texas football team. But the memory of one dropped pass faded too slowly, a daily disappointment that he could never shake. Fifty years later, his shame still brought him to tears.

Question #1 - Do you live with a regret that you remember often?

Question #2 - What have you done to overcome a pattern of dwelling on past failures?

Many of us fear we have “outsinned” God’s patience. “God’s well of grace must have a bottom to it,” we reason. “A person can request forgiveness only so many times,” our common sense tells us. “Cash in too many mercy checks, and sooner or later one is going to bounce.” The devil loves this line of logic. He wants us to doubt that God really has unconditional love for us, a love that will survive any offense, no matter how often we make it.

Question #3 - You may know in your head that God says He’ll always forgive, but does your heart believe it? How does your spirit respond to this? What do you believe is the devil’s role in our “fear of disappointing God?”

To sin is to disregard God, ignore his teachings, deny His blessings. Sin is “God-less” living, centering life on the center letter of the word sIn. The sinner’s life is me-focused, not God-focused. And because the sinner’s life is focused inward, fear is rampant. A sinful life is absent the bedrock of God’s grace, something we will only know when we look toward God.

Question #4 - What is your definition of sin? Is it possible that we can only find real bravery when the problem of sin is solved?

When you feel unforgiven, evict the feelings. Emotions don’t get a vote. To welcome them to dinner and invite them to stay the night is to kick God out to the curb. To welcome fear with open arms is to reject Christ’s promise of security, love, and life. So, when feelings of doubt and dread creep in, send them packing.

Question #5 - How can you send doubt packing?

Read the lyrics from "Healing Rain."

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lesson 2: Fear of Not Mattering

Be sure and sign in (far right corner of page) before you begin to post your answers. You will be prompted to give your email account and a password.

Read Chapter 2 from Fearless and we'll discuss the questions below.

Memory Verse: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

Loving God, Your desire is that we would not be afraid. We also desire to live a life that is not dominated by our fears. We desire to live fearlessly! Help us to see ourselves as You see us so that we may live fully, wholly, and freely – to live guided by Your Holy Spirit. May we feel your peace, power, and presence in our lives every day. In the Strong Name of Jesus. Amen

Each of us wants to matter – whether we strive for international fame or simply desire the love and respect of those we know. And when we find we have been overlooked, forgotten, or abandoned, it hurts deeply. The truth, no matter how we feel, is that we are deeply important to God. But it’s not based on anything we do – we matter to God because we are His creation.

We fear nothingness, insignificance. We fear evaporation. We fear that in the last tabulation we make no contribution to the final sum. We fear coming and going and no one knowing. That’s why it bothers us when a friend forgets to call or a colleague takes credit for something we’ve done. They are affirming our deepest fear: no one cares.

Question #1 - Describe a time in which you’ve been hurt by feeling that you do not matter.

God reassures us, in Matthew 10:29-31, of our significance to Him. And in Luke’s Gospel Jesus goes a tender step further: “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God” (12:6). One penny would buy you two sparrows. Two pennies, however, would buy you five. The merchant throws in a fifth sparrow for free. But God still remembers him.

Question #2 - Have you ever felt like a fifth sparrow – indistinct, dispensable, disposable, worthless?

Question #3 - As you reflect on these emotions, do you feel motivated to help those fifth sparrows who need reminders of God’s deep love for them?

Read aloud the letter on pages 26-27 of Fearless (about the movie Hook). God is saying the same words to you. Finding the beauty the years bury; the sparkle that time tries to take. Seeing you and loving the you he sees. “There you are. There you are!”

Question #4 - What has buried your beauty? What will it take for your sparkle to shine again?.

Know that you are God’s masterpiece. May you be assured of this today and always. Amen.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Lesson 1: Why Are We Afraid?

Be sure and sign in (far right corner of page) before you begin to post your answers. You will be prompted to give your email account and a password.

Read Chapter 1 from Fearless and we'll discuss the questions below.

Fear has touched every one of us in some way – whether it has entangled us or completely enchained us. But how we respond to fear, and whom we turn to for a way out, is what matters more than anything. Will your fear leave you embittered or awestruck? This week’s discussion will inspire us to live in awe of Christ, who refused to let fear have any hold on His life – and who wants the same thing for you.

You may be down to your final heartbeat, but you may be down to your last paycheck, solution, or thimble of faith. Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear. Each of us can find reasons to be afraid, no matter how “good” our life is – no one is immune to fear.

Question #1 - What causes your heartbeat to race, your palms to sweat? What makes you afraid?

Fear never wrote a symphony or poem, negotiated a peace treaty, or cured a disease. Fear never pulled a family out of poverty or a country out of bigotry. Fear never saved a marriage or a business. Courage did that. Faith did that. People who refused to consult with or cower to their timidities did that.

Question #2 - When, in your experience, has courage overcome fear to accomplish something good?

We hope for an easy ride through life once we meet Christ, smooth sailing on a crystal clear sea. But storms rise up. None of us can escape this inevitable fact – whether we are Christ-followers or not. It’s not the absence of storms that sets us apart. It’s whom we discover in the storm: an unstirred Christ. He handles our great quaking with a great calming.

Question #3 - Describe a time when your life was in chaos, but you could clearly see that Jesus was unstirred by the storm.

The disciples on the storm-tossed boat on the Sea of Galilee marveled at Jesus’ power. What kind of man is this? they thought. And likewise, I wondered at my dad’s calm when the Wolf Man lurked behind the couch in my living room when I was six years old. A loving Father, God handles our great storms with great calm.

Question #4 - In what ways have your encounters with fear increased your awe of God?

Question #5 - Describe a time when Jesus spoke to the storm in your life, and the winds calmed and the waves stilled

Saturday, June 19, 2010



Welcome to the EUMC Living Fearlessly discussion group! I am so excited to get started! A word of caution: This is my first attempt at creating a Blog and leading an on-line Bible Study. Uh-oh!! How about this? We'll learn together.

Let's get started. How about a brief description of why you are interested in participating in a Bible study on Living Fearlessly?

I look forward to the journey!
Pastor Karen